Case studies

West Suffolk Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds is one of a number of ‘Best-Buy’ hospitals all built to the same blueprint in the mid-1970s, using materials which contained asbestos. Since 2015 Broadland Group has been the sole provider of asbestos consultancy services to the Trust, carrying out an initial hospital-wide management survey and an on-going program of refurbishment surveys as the building has been developed and modernised over the last 10 years.

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Port of Dover

For the past six years, Broadland Group has functioned as an invaluable and independent asbestos consultant, providing essential expertise and guidance to the Dover Harbour Board

National Grid

With a sprawling expanse over 600 acres on the Isle of Grain, Kent, Grain LNG stands as Europe’s largest gas import terminal, placing a paramount emphasis on safety. Broadland Group has diligently collaborated with the Grain LNG team since 2017.

NHS Foundation Trust

Broadland Group have advised West Suffolk Hospital on asbestos legislation and how it fits into their Policy and Procedures, ensuring they follow the latest guidance and meet their legal obligations to the highest standards.

Our accreditations

Image shows two UKAS logos, one for UKAS Inspection 0295 and UKAS Testing 2630 - both of which Broadland Group is accredited.